Ohio Pre-Bankruptcy Credit Counseling

If you are in a position where you feel that filing for bankruptcy in Ohio is your best option to get back on your financial feet, standard protocol and legal requirements demand that you first undergo a credit counseling course. To what end? 

It is possible, through the specialized advice you will receive from certified credit counselors, that you may find an alternative path forward that does not include filing for bankruptcy. Now there is certainly not any shame in filing for bankruptcy, and for some individuals it is the right and best choice. The goal is for you to be presented with all available options with the hopes that you will find more than one solution for your financial situation.

This credit counseling course is a requirement for all individuals who are looking to file for bankruptcy in Ohio. Thankfully, it is not a lengthy process and it can offer you real, practical help. Upon completion of the credit counseling course, you will receive a certificate. This acknowledgment of your completion of the course can be sent directly to your bankruptcy attorney, who will then file it with the court, along with your bankruptcy petition. 

There are only two scenarios in which this credit counseling course would not be necessary prior to a bankruptcy filing:

  • Active military duty within a combat zone
  • Extreme physical or mental impairment

The law also leaves room for those who perhaps attempted to take the course, but were not able to before their situation hit a crisis point and filing for bankruptcy became a necessity. These individuals can petition the court to take the course after filing. However your personal situation pans out, know that this court-mandated credit counseling course is a good thing, and can be a chance at a new beginning. 

During this credit counseling course you will learn:

  • relevant financial terminology
  • how to create a spending plan
  • debt danger signs and solutions
  • how to develop a budget
  • how to calculate net worth
  • about annual cash flow
  • how to track income and expenses

Whether you are looking to gain basic budgeting skills or just check a box and fulfill a requirement, we’re confident that this credit counseling course will help you to gain a better understanding of money management that will be beneficial in the future. Once you have completed the course and your bankruptcy has been discharged, you will also need to attend an exit session of debtor education, to help you maintain good financial footing moving forward. 

At Hausen Law, Ohio bankruptcy lawyer James Hausen and his team are dedicated to their clients, finding the best path forward, through bankruptcy and beyond–our 720 credit repair program is testament to that. With access to this exclusive pre-filing credit counseling course, available through the Allen Credit & Debt Counseling Agency, you can also benefit from a better understanding of how bankruptcy relates to you and your finances. Just like the expert team at Hausen Law, Allen Credit & Debt Counseling Agency is committed to providing you premier service during what could be a very difficult time.

This credit counseling course and subsequent consultation via live chat with a certified credit counselor will both take only 60 minutes to complete. The counseling course is presented as a pre-recorded information session that can be accessed online, any time. The final debtor education course will take approximately two hours to complete, and will be available following your bankruptcy discharge. Follow the link below to learn more, and get started on the path to financial recovery!

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