The Truth About Bankruptcy, from a Local Ohio Bankruptcy Lawyer

The Truth About Bankruptcy, from a Local Ohio Bankruptcy Lawyer

Many people in Northeast Ohio know what it’s like to live with the burden of serious debt. The anxiety and uncertainty it brings can be paralyzing and can negatively affect every area of an individual's life. Oftentimes this debt is incurred following life events that no one could have foreseen. Business expenses, tuition payments, medical debts, disability and layoffs are common culprits. 

Many individuals don’t know what’s worse–hiding from debt, working with a debt consolidator, or filing for a chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy. They live in fear of every phone call, every piece of mail, and every prying question from acquaintances. At Hausen Law, we believe that our community deserves better.

Far from being a source of shame, bankruptcy is a legal and respectable way to get out from under burdensome debt and establish a new beginning. And when you opt to work with an experienced bankruptcy attorney, you will have the full force of the law on your side. When creditors try to harass you or garnish wages, bankruptcy law can keep them at bay. Everyone specializes in something–bankruptcy is our thing.

These are just some of the real-world truths that Ohio bankruptcy lawyer James F. Hausen shares in his inaugural book, The Truth About Bankruptcy In Ohio. In its pages he relates specific examples of the types of situations in which bankruptcy can turn a person’s life around, helping them get on the track to financial stability. His writing is down-to-earth and relatable, mirroring the way he and his team work with clients–their skill level is high, but they’ll never talk down. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with debt and aren’t clear on how bankruptcy can help, contact us to pick up a copy of The Truth About Bankruptcy In Ohio. Quantities are limited, and we want to help as many individuals as possible with this vital information.

Bankruptcy In Ohio? Work With a Bankruptcy Attorney Who Cares

At Hausen Law, Attorney James Hausen and his team of Ohio bankruptcy lawyers are here to help. James F. Hausen is an attorney, accountant, and bankruptcy professional who has dedicated 17 years to helping thousands of clients find relief from debt, whether with chapter 7, 11, or chapter 13 bankruptcy.

The Hausen Law team can translate the legalese surrounding the bankruptcy process so that you are fully aware and involved. Yes, bankruptcy is notoriously complicated, but this is the first step in recovering your financial future–we’ll make sure it makes sense. 

But even better than our know-how, is our ability to listen. We see you, we hear you, we validate your experience and we fight for your rights every step of the way. And with our 720 Credit Repair Program, we offer ongoing assistance as you work to rebuild your credit score.

Give us a call or fill out our online contact form to request a free consultation. Hausen Law is happy to serve all of Northeast Ohio, including the Akron, Canton, Cleveland, Wooster, Dover/New Philadelphia, and Youngstown communities.

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